
A retreat-based introduction to vocational discernment designed for people in the early stages of their working lives.

Learning with Others
A small group format allows participants to learn from each other’s questions, insights and experiences. Inspiration, encouragement and guidance come to you through shared exploration.
A Space Apart for In-Depth Reflection
Three weekend retreats form the body of the program, creating a space for you to stand back from daily life to listen, learn and gain perspective.
A Spiritually Grounded Perspective
We invite you to think about your life as divinely purposeful. You will discover how your gifts as well as weaknesses in work and in life are designed to tell a unique story that contributes to Gods larger purposes in the world today.
Individual Attention and Practical Application
Participants meet individually with staff after each retreat. They help you process your experience and apply what you are learning to your immediate and longer-term questions about direction.
“Threshold allowed me to grow in my understanding of the relationship between who I have been created to be and what God is calling me to do. The idea of “doing” out of my “being” has been liberating.”
Threshold is limited to eight participants and is designed for persons in their mid-20s to early 30s who want to explore their vocational direction as a journey of faith.