Related Programs

The vocational process is central in Life/Work Direction. Other programs circle around it to further support participants in understanding the meaning and purpose of their lives.

Spiritual Companionship

For persons sensing a need to deepen their walk with God by engaging in an experience of sitting together in God’s presence with one of us where we will be a witness to your story as you unfold it.

Couples Work
Upon request, the staff couple will meet with participants who are seeking:
  • A process preparing them for marriage.
  • A process helping them develop their relationship as they encounter life and work issues.
Retreats and Workshops
To create circles of continuing conversations and support for all who have engaged in our programs, we offer weekend retreats two or three times a year on themes relevant to sustaining a pilgrimage of faith and calling. We also offer churches a Discovery Weekend workshop that serves as an introduction and taste of our approach to vocational guidance.