We keep our programs affordable through donations that cover 50% of our costs. From Life/Work Direction’s inception, we adopted the principle of making our programs affordable, so that no one is excluded because of lack of resources. Not surprisingly, many of our donors are former participants who readily appreciate the importance of giving regularly — and that even small gifts matter, providing stability to the organization. This faithful support allows the small staff to focus freely on people and programs, rather than on fundraising. If you donate through PayPal, there is a lower limit of $10; and we receive an extra blessing when the PayPal service fee is covered as well! Thank you for your support. |
Click on the cartoon below to learn more: Another way to add to your support of Life/Work Direction is through AmazonSmile. When you go to and select Life/Work Direction as your charity of choice (or click on the link here) Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases back to our organization. |